PS Tray Factory Web Online Help Translated by Stirlitz Translation Agency
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Thank you for using PS Tray Factory.

If you have any questions or problems our support team will try to help you out as soon as possible. Customer Support is of course free and open to all users of PS Tray Factory. We do however give priority to customers.

Product feedback.

Perhaps you didn't find the feature you were looking for? Or maybe there's no option to do something "your way"?

E-mail for feedback: feedback@pssoftlab.com.

Due to the large amount of feedback we receive, we simply cannot answer each and every e-mail.

Technical support.

If you encounter any problems or suspect a bug in PS Tray Factory, our engineering staff are ready to help you out.

In order for us to give you a quick and accurate solution it necessary that you supply us with some standard information about your system.

Please record the following information:
  • PS Tray Factory version,
  • Microsoft Windows version,
  • Basic hardware specification (RAM size, display adapter and CPU type and speed).

E-mail for support: support@pssoftlab.com


Our sales department will gladly answer any questions you may have about purchasing PS Tray Factory.

E-mail for sales: sales@pssoftlab.com.

We hope you liked this programm.

Also, please visit our web site at WWW: http://www.pssoftlab.com .

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Copyright © 1999-2006 PS Soft Lab. All rights reserved. Translated by Stirlitz Translation Agency